Various Artists
Parallelle & Nicolas Masseyeff
Various Artists
Parallelle & Nicolas Masseyeff


Dutch Brothers from a parallel dimension.

The two brothers of Dutch origin grew up influenced by jazz and classical music – after having travelled the world enriching themselves in different cultures and sounds, are now settled in Amsterdam as composers, performing artists and label owner of “Klassified”.

Combining their individual characters and close bond with a shared love of creation and composition, a symbiosis in brotherhood is shown in a conversation between instruments, voices and electronic sounds illustrating the rhythm of life.

Proposing either live, hybrid or DJ acts, Parallells offers a groovy, dynamic and powerful experience through sound. They previously performed at Burning Man on major stages such as Robot Heart, Mayan Warrior and Playa Alchemist; major international festivals such as DGTL, Day Zero, Fusion, SXM, Caprices, Les Plages Electroniques, Afrikaburn, Rituel Festival and Wonderfruit to name a few.